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Wentworth is 94 square kilometers (approximately 23,000 acres) of majestic forests, a rugged mix of mountains and valleys, vast wetlands, meandering rivers and, of course, over 30 lakes. Our forests are a mix of conifers and hardwoods and are home to a wide range of species including deer, moose, wolves, bear, fox and turkeys. Wetlands of various levels of importance represent 7.4% of our territory. Wentworth is also very proud to officially recognize a large heron nesting site with smaller ones dotting the area.


Although much of the land around our many lakes has been developed with homes and cottages, there is still much of the municipality that remains untouched. In fact, about 70% of the municipality is owned by just 45 owners, whose properties are surrounded by hundreds of acres. It is thanks to these few owners that Wentworth retains its rural appearance, due to the unofficial conservation they provide. The urban plan of the municipality recognizes the importance of our landscapes and has put in place regulations protecting forests of interest, important bodies of water and large escarpments. It is essential that any conservation plan includes the protection of these areas as they give the impression of rolling hills, dense forests and the beautiful lakes that define Wentworth.  WILD will monitor to help ensure that the municipality maintains these values.

The conservation priorities identified by the Trust are:         

  • Wetlands, waterbodies of interest and fish habitat as well as watersheds of importance to the community: we can consider, for example, the Dalesville stream and the large valley of wet meadows, peat bogs, large forest swamps and aquatic ponds.           

  • Wildlife habitats of interest: we consider, among other things, habitats for species with large home ranges, such as wolves, bears, moose and white-tailed deer. We must also consider specific habitats, such as heronries.

  • Large forests, rare forests, old forests and forest environments of interest to the community.

  • Meadows, fields and rural areas of interest for biodiversity and for the community.

  • Threatened or vulnerable species and their habitats. Some of these species are presented below:


Siège social, Fiducie WILD

175, Chemin Louisa

Wentworth (QC) J8H 0C7


(450) 562-0701 ext. 2917


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WILD est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré | Numéro d'enregistrement d'organisme de bienfaisance 73646 5741 RR0001

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