As stated many time by WILD, the biggest impact for conservation in Wentworth is that of our large land owners. Approximately 70% of Wentworth's green space belongs to 43 property owners. That's about 65 square kilometers or 16,000 acres. These large pieces of interconnected land are key to protecting our biodiversity and we acknowledge the hard work and financial burden these owner assume in maintaining their properties.
One of these owners is the McOuat Family with the Manitou Club. Boasting 632 acres in Wentworth and another 1000 acres extending into Gore, they have had conservation as part of their core values since the conception of their fish and game club. They are committed to preservation of their property and we are proud to announce that we are partnering with them to realize several projects in the coming months.
Our first project, announced last fall, will be a habitat restauration effort for birds in the Glen Valley. Look for a post in the next few day properly explaining this wonderful initiative!
A big thank you to the Manitou Club and we look forward to working together to make our community better!
